Thursday, November 27, 2014

Windows on South Grand

I spent all of last night with a friend of mine who owns a business on South Grand. Like so many others on the street and in Ferguson, her windows are broken. And like so many others, her windows are now covered with boards painted up to reflect the enthusiasm of the woman who runs the shop. 

Peace, Love, Imo's

I attended a fundraiser one of her many supporters organized for her and other stores on South Grand. After the night was over, she graciously walked up and down the street with me as I stopped to take pictures of the paintings on the plywood. 

Open Your Eyes, Open Your Heart

She showed me the rocks that went through her windows, the two cats who luckily were unharmed, the store that needed to quickly find a way to cope with not being able to display its goods to passersby because the windows are all boarded.

We Need Our Jobs

Today is Thanksgiving. Today, everyone in St. Louis needs to take some time to reflect on where we are today, how we got here, and where we must be tomorrow. We cannot allow rage to consume hope if St. Louis is to come out better from this Ferguson moment.

Hand in Hand

The days after Thanksgiving, for one reason or another, are dedicated to holiday shopping. This year especially, there are many small businesses in St. Louis that are edging the line between survival and surrender. If you will be shopping, please take the opportunity to see what they have to offer. Not only will you bring home something more creatively pleasing for your loved ones, but your purchases will go directly into supporting a community that desperately needs it.

Love Thy Neighbor

These places are safe. I have been in Ferguson many, many times. And last night, I strolled South Grand until after 2:00 AM. Please do not let media hype deter you from exploring your town. These places need our love, not our fear.

The Upcycle Exchange Fundraiser

In our next post, we will include a list of local businesses that we will update as we get more information. We will also publish an Education Exchange Corps wish list in the event you do some shopping and would also like to support us as we work with kids in St. Louis. But for now, be with those closest to you, open your hearts, and let love take your day. More paintings below.

Bow Tie Pig

St. Louis Flag

Justice Is "Blind," But We Can See

Shine on St. Louis

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