Thursday, November 27, 2014

Shopping this Weekend? Support Local Businesses, Support St. Louis

(NOTE: Keep checking back! We're updating the opportunities as more come in!)

Perhaps now more than ever, St. Louis businesses need our help.

Local businesses are very important parts of the community. Their owners have an interest in making sure the areas around them do well. The activity these businesses generate brings more people to their neighborhoods, builds connections between diverse groups of people, and keeps eyes on the streets. A thriving local business hub can do wonders for a neighborhood; we see the effects in many parts of St. Louis.

But a lot of these small businesses are hurting right now. Some have been looted or damaged. For a small business owner, the cost of putting up plywood boards and replacing windows can set the business so far back that its very survival falls into serious doubt.

We cannot let this happen. The loss of businesses will further damage neighborhoods that are already struggling with the seething consequences of inequity of opportunity.

This weekend, if you plan on shopping, please consider shopping local. Local businesses have so many unique gifts to offer. You'll enjoy visiting new places in the St. Louis area and revving your creative engine to find gifts for your loved ones (or for yourself!).

I took most of the day to make lists of local businesses in Ferguson, South Grand, and North City. Unfortunately, you will see that I could not find many in North City, a testament to the economic challenges present in the area. I'm sure I am missing many businesses, and if you have suggestions, please send them my way via email at I'll do my best to update the lists.

We have also had many people ask how they can assist the Education Exchange Corps as we continue to help children in Ferguson and St. Louis City. If you're out shopping and want to donate supplies to us, I've included a wishlist below. Please contact me via email to coordinate so we can keep the list updated as well.

St. Louis needs us to come together, to step forward with purpose, to make sure that tomorrow is better than today.

Local Shopping 

Education Exchange Corps Wishlist

Or click on our yellow donate button at the upper right of this blog page!

Elad Gross
President and CEO
Education Exchange Corps


  1. Please help spread the word and lets show the world what St. Louis is made of.

    Feel free to contact me directly

    Tom Halaska

  2. Thank you Tom! It was great meeting you last night!

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