Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ferguson Hackathon Cancelled

The hackathon event that was scheduled for Saturday, November 1, is cancelled.

Qeyno Labs' Hackathons are designed to bring people from different parts of the community together to support the brilliance of our children. I wrote about the Ferguson hackathon and asked for support on this blog. We received a lot of interest, but, in the end, financial support and logistical obstacles made the event impossible to hold.

We at the Education Exchange Corps have always strived to empower communities to educate their children. We were very excited to see that even organizations as far away as California, like Qeyno Labs and TEACHED, were interested in coming all the way to St. Louis to support our community's kids. 

The event drew from the philosophy of ubuntu and was to draw diverse groups - students, educators, programmers, protesters, police - together in peaceful cooperation. Although this will no longer happen on November 1, the experience has left a big mark on our organization, and we will be planning events to bring diverse groups and individuals together to build a sustainable peace within which the wellbeing of our kids is the focus.

As I write this, I received several texts from one of my high school kids from the Ferguson Library and tweets from some of my high school seniors from St. Louis City getting ready to apply for college. 

St. Louis, we have a lot of work to do.

Please stay tuned.

Elad Gross
President and CEO
Education Exchange Corps

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